If you can visualize it, if you can dream it, there's some way to do it -Walt Disney


Production#1: Addiction

Writer, Producer, Director: Vinith Bejugam, Ph.D .
DOP: Bernie Tarin
Music: Simone Cilio
VFX: Bharath Kumar
Color: Tyler Cameron
Lead Cast: David Gleason, Jesse Murphy, Danuta Sastre
Click here for IMDB page for more details...

Step into the world of Quantum Theory Production's acclaimed short film, where the complexities of life unfold in a humble yet profound narrative. Our story follows a physicist who, amidst a series of perceived misfortunes, discovers an unexpected culprit - a simple cup of coffee.
In this intimate exploration, the film gently navigates the intricacies of daily choices, with a particular focus on the ritualistic act of savoring coffee. As the physicist questions the source of his apparent bad luck, the narrative unfolds into a contemplation of free will, posing thoughtful inquiries about the agency we possess in shaping our own destinies.
While the film lightly touches on scientific concepts like free will, its primary essence lies in the emotional journey of our protagonist. It invites viewers to reflect on the subtle yet impactful decisions we make in our lives and how these seemingly insignificant moments might shape our paths.
Having received accolades at international festivals, this short film is a testament to the universal resonance of its themes. Quantum Theory Production humbly presents a narrative that, despite its simplicity, has struck a chord with audiences worldwide. Join us in experiencing a story that, while rooted in the ordinary, carries the weight of profound contemplation, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who witness its unassuming brilliance.